About me

Currently I am a postdoc at IDSIA, Switzerland hosted by Fabrizio Grandoni. I am broadly interested in fundamental questions in algorithms and optimisation and especially for questions arising in algorithmic game theory and combinatorial optimisation. You can find out more about me in CV (April 2023).

I completed PhD in mathematics at the London School of Economics where I was fortunate to have László Végh as my advisor.


Oct 2022 Announced runner-up for the Doctoral Dissertation Award for the most distinguished body of research leading to a doctorate in the field of Operational Research, from UK OR Society
Feb 2022 Starting a postdoc position at IDSIA (Lugano, Switzerland) under supervision of Fabrizio Grandoni.
Nov 2021 Successfully completed my PhD degree.
Jun 2021 Our paper on approximating Nash Social Welfare is featured in the Sigecom Exchanges.
March-May 2020 Due to COVID-19 my research visit to Columbia Univeristy (NY) and prof. Tim Roughgarden is cancelled.
Dec 2019 I am visiting University of Helsinki and Alexandru I. Tomescu.
Jun 2019 The paper A polynomial-time algorithm for the independent set problem in {P10,C4,C6}-free graphs received the best student paper award at WG2019.
Feb 2019 A news article about our work on tumor evolution: An algorithm shedding light on the evolution of tumours helps individualise cancer therapies.
Mar 2018 I am attending Google's Algorithms and Optimization PhD Workshop in Zurich from 10.04 until 12.04.


Click on the title to see the abstract.


Unless marked with a '*', author names are ordered alphabetically.

13. Approximating the Maximum Independent Set of Convex Polygons with a Bounded Number of Directions
Fabrizio Grandoni, Edin Husić, Mathieu Mari, Antoine Tinguely
SoCG 2024  | arXiv
12. Approximating Nash Social Welfare by Matching and Local Search
Jugal Garg, Edin Husić, Wenzheng Li, László A. Végh, Jan Vondrák
STOC 2023  | arXiv | video-STOC
11. On the Correlation Gap of Matroids
Edin Husić, Zhuan Khye Koh, Georg Loho, László Végh.
IPCO 2023  | arXiv
10. Tractable Fragments of the Maximum Nash Welfare Problem
Jugal Garg, Edin Husić, Aniket Murhekar, and László Végh.
WINE 2022  | arXiv
9. FPT Algorithms for Finding Near-Cliques in c-Closed Graphs
Balaram Behera, Edin Husić, Shweta Jain, Tim Roughgarden, and C. Seshadhri.
ITCS 2022  | arXiv | video by Shweta
8. On complete classes of valuated matroids
Edin Husić, Georg Loho, Ben Smith and László Végh.
SODA 2022  | arXiv | slides
Invited to the TALG Special Issue for SODA 2022.
7. Safety in multi-assembly via paths appearing in all path covers of a DAG
M. Cáceres, B. Mumey, E. Husić, R. Rizzi, M. Cairo, K. Sahlin, A.I. Tomescu.*
6. Approximating Nash Social Welfare under Rado Valuations
Jugal Garg, Edin Husić and László A. Végh.
STOC 2021  | SIGecom Exchanges (overview)  | arXiv | slides | video-STOC
5. Auction Algorithms for Market Equilibrium with Weak Gross Substitute Demands
Jugal Garg, Edin Husić and László A. Végh.
STACS 2021  | TEAC  | arXiv | slides | video-STACS
4. The independent set problem is FPT for even-hole-free graphs
E. Husić, Stéphan Thomassé and Nicolas Trotignon
IPEC 2019  | arXiv
3. A polynomial-time algorithm for the independent set problem in {P10,C4,C6}-free graphs
E. Husić and M. Milanič
WG 2019  | slides
Best Student Paper Award at WG 2019.
2. MIPUP : Minimum perfect unmixed phylogenies for multi-sampled tumors via branchings and ILP
E. Husić, X. Li, A. Hujdurović, M. Mehine, R. Rizzi, V. Mäkinen, M. Milanič and A. I. Tomescu.*
1. Perfect phylogenies via branchings in acyclic digraphs and a generalization of Dilworth's theorem
A. Hujdurović, E. Husić, M. Milanič, R. Rizzi, and A. I. Tomescu,
WG 2017  | ACM Transactions on Algorithms  | arXiv


Approximating submodular Nash social welfare and EFX allocations
september 2023
FairACAC @ SAGT, Egham, UK
On complete classes of valuated matroids
february 2022
University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia
On complete classes of valuated matroids
january 2022
SODA - (Virtual) Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Approximating Nash Social Welfare under Rado Valuations
june 2021
STOC - (Virtual) Rome, Italy
Approximating Nash Social Welfare under Rado Valuations
june 2021
CanaDAM - (Virtual) Canada
Auction Algorithms for Market Equilibrium with
Weak Gross Substitute Demands and their Applications
march 2021
STACS - (Virtual) Saarbrücken, Germany
Auction Algorithms for Market Equilibrium with
Weak Gross Substitute Demands
december 2020
PhD Seminar on Combinatorics, Games and Optimisation - LSE, London, UK
Approximating Nash Social Welfare for asymmetric agents
with Rado valuations
february 2020
PhD Seminar on Combinatorics, Games and Optimisation - LSE, London, UK
Reconstructing perfect phylogenies via branchings in DAGs
december 2019
Bioinformatics afternoon - University of Helsinki, Finland
The independent set problem is FPT for even-hole-free graphs
september 2019
IPEC - Munich, Germany
Reconstructing Perfect Phylogenies via Branchings in Digraphs
july 2019
MatBio 2019 - King's College London, UK
A polynomial-time algorithm for the independent set problem
in {P10,C4,C6}-free graphs
june 2019
WG 2019 - Vall de Núria, Spain


PhD in Mathematics

2017 - 2021
London School of Economics and Political Science

M2 in Fundamental Computer Science

2016 - 2017
École normale supérieure de Lyon

MSc in Mathematical Sciences

2015 - 2017
University of Primorska

BSc in Mathematics

2012 - 2015
University of Primorska

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